Friday, December 01, 2006

A Continuation of Gospel v. Other Playlists

I agree that there is most likely an intended audience for the gospel music, and that knowing more about the people creating and listening to the music could make me be more open to/get more out of listening to the music.

At this point in the semester all of my classes are kicking it into high gear, and I know that I'm not going to start researching the artists and their histories to get a better understanding of music that as of yet, I'm not fond of if it is not required. Perhaps looking at the artists the same way we did with Jazz and Country music before listening to the playlists, would have made me more open-minded upon going into is. In all honestly even if the music just wasn't called gospel music I may have been more open-minded. (I grew up in a house were my parents' religion was pretty well forced on me until leaving for school this fall and thus have a hesitance/general dislike for overly religious things.)

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