Sunday, October 22, 2006


Performing in front of large crowds is definitely not my forte. My class has been discussing making a junk band and performing (in Edson I think) for the Jamboree. This would be alright with me as long as we're in a big group...I'm not terribly musically inclined. I can't particularly pick out notes or read them for that matter. I think it'd be cool though if we can get together a percussive type of group and do the presentation all together.

On the other side of things we could make a booth of some variety and put up information about blues, country, and folk musicians. We could put up some artwork to make things a bit more interesting. I haven't gotten around to my presentation for class yet, but I have a couple of drawings I'm planning to use in some manner for it-one of Muddy Waters and the other of Bob Dylan. They could be used for a booth if the class wanted.

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